Monday, August 12, 2013

Ban on Explosive Targets on public land?!

The BLM decided overnight, without any public input, that it should BAN all binary exploding targets, due to forest fires in the Rocky Mountain Region on public lands.
The ban is in effect for 1 year as of a few days ago (winter included!), and therefore shooters can only go on private property.

But what kind of targets are safe for you to use, without risk of burning down the house your grandpa built? I can only recommend Tannerite® brand targets.

I'm not paid to say this, nor am I a spokesperson for the company. Sure, I have worked with them to produce videos, but only because I believe in the product, and like the people behind it. It is the only explosive target I shoot, and in my patch of dry desert, the only one I trust.

I made this video, because I wanted to answer any questions, and trump any doubts.