Thursday, October 18, 2012

Trail clean up

Few days ago I decided to do my first full on trail clean up. I was inspired/motivated to do this after I was on a hike with my mum, and noticed a lot of rubbish on the side of the trail. On the way home after that trip I remember complaining about it... and then I thought to myself. "well shit, somebody has gotta do it". Being an owner of the Discovery Pass (so I don't gotta pay to park), and an owner of a large supply of trash bags, I decided to roll up my sleeves and do mother nature a solid.

I discovered a few things in the 2 mile trail.
1) People tend to lose disposable water bottles (full of water)
2) Empty water bottles easily find their way on the downslope of trails
3) People who walk their dogs, pick up the poop, and then THROW THE BAG OFF THE TRAIL...are retarded (pardon my french).
4) Bits of micro trash can really ruin a perfect setting.

I was surprised to see very few alcohol related trash items, but the amount of candy wrappers and junk food wrappers was foreseeable. Out of all non water beverages, it seemed that Vitamin Water was on top, with Gatorade being a close second, followed by beer (even found some live cans) and Arizona tea.

With the thousands of visitors who come to Twin Falls every year it stays relatively clean, and I understand most people don't deposit trash maliciously. Having a water bottle like a nalgene not only gets rid of the disposable bottles, but its larger size is more suited for backpack pockets and are harder to lose. A simple shovel is useful for burying dog poop, but human poop as well. Resealable bags are the best for bringing snacks because you can re use them or repurpose them for survival. Very inexpensive and very effective things also reduce your footprint.

(These guys made it easy for me to get to since its just inches off the trail)

I do it because it bothered me, and its a problem that won't fix itself. These trails aren't just in a state park, its in our back yard. These rivers bring water to our tap, and lead into the oceans that feed us.

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