Friday, January 25, 2013

SHOT show 2013

To start off the year, I attended SHOT show 2013, to see what was new in the industry, meet people that have helped make my youtube channel happen, and get my name out there as a videographer. What a trip! I'll first tart off by saying that I am not in my element when I'm in a city, not to mention a crazy place like Las Vegas.

My first day started Monday, where I woke up at 3am, and landed in Las Vegas at 9. I forgot my business cards at home like a rookie, but thanks to google, I was able to search for a printer to do mine last minute. Luckily, I had all my files in my computer, and with my Clear Wire SPOT device, I was able to communicate and send files to the printers, who had them done within the hour. They were delivered to me at the end of the day, since I was going the local transportation route.

I didn't get a chance to do the Media Day thing, but from what I hear and have seen from others who covered the event, it was cold, windy, and aside from all the guns it was miserable.

I settled into my room, and my girlfriend was very thoughtful, and surprised me with a pizza delivery. Mind you, she wasn't able to make it this year, and had ordered the pizza from West Virginia. I was stuffed and couldn't eat another bite. Unfortunately, the room had no fridge, so I fashioned a cooler using the ice bucket, and an MRE bag from my previous meal. It must have worked, because I didn't get sick the next day after eating it for breakfast.

The first day at shot was intense to say the least. I won't go into high detail, but I'll say that I didn't pace myself, and filmed 11 videos, which I then edited and posted later that night. The next few days I would do a lot more meeting great people and companies than filming, although I still managed to get quite a bit up. The icing on the cake was filming with the Gunny for on the last day. He is one down to earth guy, although you wouldn't know it from watching him on Full Metal Jacket.

All in all, I'd say I can't wait to go next year. I don't mind going on a shoestring budget, although it wouldn't hurt to get 3 meals a day. I hope ya'll enjoy all the videos and coverage of the event. Click HERE to see the playlist of the videos I made during my stay in Las Vegas.

Until next time, Take care out there,

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